Jul 22, 2009

Speak now...

I just adjusted my baby ticker...the new due date they have been going off of is Oct 30 (my lil' bro's bday)...and although they still can't decide for sure...why not go with the later one...less anticipation.
On another note....unless you like the name BOB...which Shane has so cutely named fetus....we are welcoming any SUGGESTIONS for names. We have 2...which I will not share right now...but have not fully decided on anything. We are certain its a boy...the parts are hard to miss on the 99th sonogram. So...speak now or forever hold your peace...well, actually...in the end we may still decide on one of our 2...but give a shout out for your favorite names before its too late!!
ANOTHER thing....I need some help...I need a new infant seat and stroller...the one I had for Christian and Shane had seen better days, not to mention was not even safe any longer. I have a sit 'n stand stroller for multiple child trips...but I need a need every day stroller that can be used with an infant seat and without it.... I know there are amazing things out there that I have not found yet...please inform!!


Sarah said...

Mom says "Jacob", Dad says "Boo Boo", I say "Phineas",Carter says "Squidward", and Chloe says "Freddy"! I know, I know, a few randoms in there influenced by our favorite shows, but still....they're all KEEPERS! :)

Sarah said...

Mom says "Jacob", Dad says "Boo Boo", I say "Phineas",Carter says "Squidward", and Chloe says "Freddy"! I know, I know, a few randoms in there influenced by our favorite shows, but still....they're all KEEPERS! :)

Anonymous said...

Do you really want my list? Well you asked: Tristan, Cameron, Kipton (Bachelorette inspired), Jesse, Beau, Austin, Kirk, Crew, Jaxon....and I could go on and on but I won't. I can't wait to find out the final decision :-)

Jen I said...

Ashton was Gabe until Ryan decided the day before that he was going to veto it (hello? I've been calling him that invitro for months and you couldn't tell me that sooner?) It could be a shout out to your favorite kiddos back in NY.

Ch said...

You did ask: I read everyone else's and like Triston, Jesse, (The name "Logan" is gone), Mark (after Gavin's father) and the rest I will tell you later..

Jake & Rachel said...

oh man, I couldn't even suggest names, it's too hard. As for stroller/car seat, I have a peg perego set that is awesome and is still perfect after 2 kids and are rated among the safest. BUT they are a bit expensive. I've heard combi is nice. Go to Babies R Us, they have them all lined up so you can test them out, fun fun!

Katie said...

Yay! A new baby! How much fun. Good luck picking out a name--I agnoized for months before finally choosing one. As for carseats and strollers, I have a Baby Trend travel system with a jogging stroller. It's a bit bulky, but I love it and the carseat is supposed to be rated the safest on the market right now. I guess it all depends on personal preference, though, because I know I'm definitely not an expert!

AJ said...

I have heard great things about the combi strollers. They are really light weight and compact, but still have all the room you would need. I personally don't have one, but have liked the ones I have seen.

Debbie said...

Hey girl! I'm in town! We need to play! And for names... hm... I don't want to give up MY names (in case I EVER get a boy), but I like Caleb, Michael (classic), and I'm going brain dead on other favorites right now.
Anyway, for the stroller, I have a Graco that I've really liked and Kristi tells me the new models are awesome. Carseat is a Graco Snugride which has been the top or in the top of safest ratings (which is why I got it).

The Life of Blights said...

Thanks girl for your encouraging words! Looks like you are enjoying being back in SD! So happy for you:) Hard to believe the summer is winding down...your baby will be here before long! (though it does seem like everyone else's pregnancies fly by... especially towards the end!)

The Life of Blights said...

PS. We got a Phil & Ted's stroller, I've heard RAVE reviews about it...it's an all purpose stroller (walking, running and just general knock around). You can find them online and in specialty stores.

AJ said...

Josh says: Zeus, Evan, Ace, Brett, Pacumini, Nefi, Roger, and thats all he can think of right now. :)

Shandra and Christian said...

Hi!! We are heading to Whit/Jim's this Friday night. Hopefully we can see you then???

AnnCP said...

How about Cooper?