Feb 28, 2009

Mommy tiredness...

Right now, about 2:30 in the afternoon...I always hit the afternoon mommy tired-time. I'd like to say it was because of the pregnancy...but really I got tired around the same time before baby Peanut got in this body. However, my nightly tiredness...I can almost undoubtably contribute to the baby...I am a night owl, much to Gav's dismay, and so its weird to crash out on the couch almost nightly before 10 pm. It seems, though, all of a sudden, Gav has an unusual urge to stay up and do things in the night. Weirs...because hardly 2 months ago...he was the one falling asleep every night before 11pm. Interesting.

Maybe my body is extra sleepy...because since we have had the house on the market...it is perfectly clean day in and day out. So, in my spare time...instead of stressing about which part of the house really needs my attention....my body takes command and decides a nap sounds about right. Its a bizarre notion....to have a house clean 24-7 and only have to touch up when a potential buyer calls. Why didn't I think of this sooner? Keeping a clean house and only touching up as needed....quite the revelation to me=)

Feb 19, 2009

baby update...

had 2nd blood test today...looks like its a GO!
Dr. gave due date of October 26th.
Pinch me...is this real?

Feb 18, 2009

Pray for Pink....

We beggers begged...and the tender mercies of God offered us a miracle....we are officially PREGO....albeit literally barely pregnant. But...apparently at least 1 or 2 of those sweet embryos took. We won't find out any other details for a while. Normally we wouldn't even be telling people yet...but since this whole process is already quite a public thing....we are just going relish in the excitement we've been waiting for more than 2 years.
As a quick note...we just wanted to thank all of the many friends and family whose prayers were obviously heard...and we have felt the love and support so overwhelmingly.

this ultrasound was at time of transfer...who knows how many and what it looks like now?!

Feb 15, 2009

behind on pics...

couple randoms i failed to post...

The V day 2009

Rapidly becoming one of my favorite holidays. Why, you ask? Because its little fuss. I love Christmas and Easter...but oh the fuss involved. I love that Valentines can be simple and perfect and no one feels gypped. This year it was very simple cards all around, a CD for each of us.....and a night with my best friend. Somehow a night of dinner, a little shopping and dessert/hot cocoa at Starbucks....is so perfect and relaxing. Loved it!

where are my buyers???

4 days on the market and not a single looker...what's the deal? Normal? Abnormal?? What else can I do?? Its so hard to be on the waiting side of this game...we are at the mercy of another cute family that wants our cute house. Bring it on people....I have my house cleaned and decluttered and (thanks to my MIL) relatively perfect=)

Feb 9, 2009

How Come??????

...Shane's newest answer/comment to everything. Unfortunately, it is not ever really answered...just followed by another "but how come?"...sometimes screamed in frustration of not being sufficiently fulfilled. Good times in the life of a 3 year old.

Feb 7, 2009

Almost ready...and hopefully baking...

Two quick notes of update amidst the hectic life we are living currently...
-Our home is almost ready to list...we have been, with the help of Gammy, prepping everything for our video shoot on Monday. The game plan is to list it by Wednesday. Once its all prepped, I am hoping it will not be too much to keep up on. While it won't be a breeze, I keep telling myself to do a little touch-up every day and it'll be looking sharp for any showing at any time. And I will pray it sells quickly (and not at a loss=())
-On the IVF front....the great news, for those that kind of understand the whole bizarre process, is that I had 30 follicles, recovered 24 mature eggs, 21 fertilized....and they transplanted 2 embryos on Thursday. What next, you ask?? A long 2 weeks of waiting to get a blood test to confirm/deny that they took! I honestly CANNOT even fathom doing that again. If only for that mere fact alone, we are PRAYING that those babies found a safe warm home in my uterus. For you fertile women out there that look at your husbands and get prego...you better thank God an extra little bit tonight for all the pain/anguish/suffering you have been saved!! I just sat in an OB/GYN room full of women who would give everything and then some to have a baby of their own. Babies in all shape and size are TRULY miracles from the beginning.