How appropriate...we are one nation under GOD... and though our political leaders may be imperfect...God is at the head of this awesome nation! I hope everyone's registered to vote and make a difference. If it!! You can't complain if you aren't willing to take a stand and try to make a difference!
Sep 30, 2008
Sep 29, 2008
Simple Truths...
As we read Shane's very simplified scriptures tonight...he pointed to the different animated people and said "um...child of god"...then pointing to a different boy "mo child of god" ...moving on to a girl " two child of god"!
Maybe the counting is off...but the principle rang true. A 2-year-old can define us all the way our Father sees us...equal and one of his!
Maybe the counting is off...but the principle rang true. A 2-year-old can define us all the way our Father sees us...equal and one of his!
Season 3...Soccer begins...
After a nice, unscheduled summer, we are now back in grind of life with busy children. Soccer season has long since begun, I am just slacking on posting. He is on the same team as bunch of boys from last years team...this time on a bigger field. He is having a good time and trying to stay competitive with the older boys that he's now mixed in with. They have had 2 games...both of which our team seemed to score more goals. (although I am not sure if there are distinct winners/losers at this age level). Although baseball is still his favorite, Christian seems to naturally excel at soccer. He really hasn't picked up a soccer ball since last fall...but has scored several goals at each game. His only struggle so far is the field size increase...chasing the ball back and forth on break-aways takes a little more effort.
The good news: I have officially chilled out. I remember his first season of soccer, also his first organized sports team, I was such a beast of a soccer mom. I was yelling and screaming, generally not very positively. Mind you, I still raise my voice. But usually more positively than not.
That is, except for last game. When this scrappy #8 on the other team was taking cheap shots at our team. When he fell, he would start scrapping anybody's legs and pull down people all around him. Or pull on jerseys and trip when he couldn't catch up. Luckily he was paired up with kid on our team that doesn't put up with crap. He was using the verbal approach at the same scrappy method...messing with his brain.
I think my husband is relieved to see his wife take a step back...I think I used to embarrass him. That...or he has learned its a fruitless battle to fight my competitive nature!
Sep 23, 2008
Its a love- hate relationship

Piano Lessons...another rite of passage as a mother. All moms try to introduce the love of music and the blessing of song in their children's lives. Christian was the one who forced the issue. He loves to watch me & Gavin play. It inspires him. So after months of nagging, I finally got on the ball and found a good local teacher. We went to meet her a few weeks back. All systems were go. He went to his first lesson 3 weeks ago. He LOVED it. He hurried home to show Gav his new skills. Which, I have to admit I was relieved to see he does have some natural talent toward picking up piano. Lesson #2 came last week. Still doing well and enough enthused. During this last week...the practicing (aka showing off) tapered off a bit. Lesson #3 today. Still doing "awesome" according to his teacher. Who, by the way, is really great with children and CHEAP!! Christian is starting to dislike the FORCED practicing. When he wants to show dad or his friends his new skills, its all good. But when its been a while and mom reminds him of the need, its a dreadful task. is definitely one of those things kids ALWAYs thank their parents for later in life. I will be strong...despite what I know is inevitable...the newness will wear off and the songs will get harder. I love being able to play. Its therapeutic. He will too!
Sep 20, 2008
kid's hearing VS mother's hearing
Shane hears: a "truck singing"
Mommy hears: a old, rusty truck plowing down the street
...then he mimicks the sound for if I maybe missed out on the soothing music!
Mommy hears: a old, rusty truck plowing down the street
...then he mimicks the sound for if I maybe missed out on the soothing music!
Sep 15, 2008
My Baby's all grown up...
It was a sad moment Sunday evening to take apart the crib and store it. But as much as I was in denial, Shane is 2 and a half and ready to be a big boy...bed and all!
As a mom I find this all bitter and sweet...I hate to see him not be my little baby....but am so relieved to be done with the baby stages. I was certain that we would not have to put away the crib this time...that another baby would come before that moment. Boy was I wrong. I am very grateful that I know my Heavenly Father has a plan for me...because my finite mind often wants things my way on my time...and I am humbled by his all-knowing plan for me and my family. I do hope, however, the time will come shortly for another bunchkin to and prayers!!
Ike made me do it...
Sep 12, 2008
It was coming...then it wasn't...then it was coming harder and faster...then maybe not...but maybe so! Dear gracious!! We'd had enough...we boarded up, loaded up our irreplaceables, and left for San Antonio. it still hasn't hit...and is not going to hit here (or so we're told, eh?) and we're home again. Plugging everything back in...tired from the run around that crazy "IKE" has put us through in the last 24-48 hours.
The good news: we are alive...I got to shop the outlets in San Antonio, haven't even seen a fleck of moisture...and our home is safe and dark
The bad news: my home is dark and dungeon-like, I'm tired, I'm a little poorer since IKE came into my life, we took another trip to San Antonio (I'm telling you...we should just invest in a place in SA), it messed up some of our scheduling, and lastly...hurricane season is still going strong thru November.
Lessons Learned: Wait a little longer, get a hotel that you do not get charged a cancellation fee (or preferrably plan to stay with family/friends), get off the gulf coast ASAP...
Long story short...we went and now we're home. Certainly our lives are rarely without adventure!
The good news: we are alive...I got to shop the outlets in San Antonio, haven't even seen a fleck of moisture...and our home is safe and dark
The bad news: my home is dark and dungeon-like, I'm tired, I'm a little poorer since IKE came into my life, we took another trip to San Antonio (I'm telling you...we should just invest in a place in SA), it messed up some of our scheduling, and lastly...hurricane season is still going strong thru November.
Lessons Learned: Wait a little longer, get a hotel that you do not get charged a cancellation fee (or preferrably plan to stay with family/friends), get off the gulf coast ASAP...
Long story short...we went and now we're home. Certainly our lives are rarely without adventure!
Sep 7, 2008
Look what I can do...
Check out the Shaney-man in action:
Is this good for a 2 year old? I don't think Christian could do this until much later. Maybe a benefit of having an older sib to show him the ropes.
Ghetto mini Golf
Friday Christian had his post-op appointment in San Antonio. So we drove 2 1/2 hours there...saw the doc, who is a great guy and super nice to work with...however, the appointment took all of 10 minutes. So a round trip 5 hour drive for a 10 minute visit. But, somehow I didn't feel it was a waste at all. Christian's ear is healing well. We will go back up at the end of September for another follow-up...but all is well so far. Did I mention I love competent healthcare providers?!!
While we were up in San Antonio, we took advantage and ate some DELICIOUS Cheesecake Factory.
Then decided to take the kiddos to a miniGolf /Arcade/FamilyFUn Place to get some energy out before heading home. It was a little ghetto...but we all had fun. Shane was so funny to watch. His determination to use the club and gracefully trip all over the course. Good times!

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