Feb 3, 2008

You know you're a bad parent when....

...there are SO many things I could fill in this blank with...but the most recent flaw was the fact that our little guy, Shane, turned 2 on New Year's Eve and we never posted any record of it. In fact, we actually didn't even buy him a present, per say. We had a family gathering for him in CA while we were there...but that was it. And on his actual birthday, we were saying our goodbyes and flying back to TX...so he kind of got gypped!
The good news he is only 2 and will never know nor care (until he reads this blog in the future= )
It seems he has an internal clock. When he turned 1, it was like that clock went off telling him it was time to walk...and he did. Now that the clock went off for his 2nd birthday, he all of a sudden has become more talkative (or mimicky would be more like it). But its really endearing. I hear Christian calling "Mommy, Mommy" downstairs and right behind him is his little echo "Mama, mama!" and then giggles of delight. Oh...and his little baby-ish "DaDa" has now become just "Dad"...as if he's a grown man! He has also picked up a sensitive side...he gets embarrassed quite easily. And will burry his head until he feels the threat (a laugh or a smile) has gone away.
So...there you go...I haven't forgotten my second born...just delayed his celebration a bit. Its true...the second child doesn't get the fuss the 1st got. Parents get wise after the first. And in the same breath- what would we ever do without our Shaney, our sweet little miracle?!!

1 comment:

Ch said...

I would not say that is a bad parent, it is what happens in life. You mean to do differently but there is no time, no energy, or no money.....etc.

I seriously think that Shane is a very wonderful grandson; do not forget that Grammie sent him a gift. We did not forget Shaney.
Everyone of our grandchildren bring big smiles from us, when we see them.