Jun 30, 2010

Closing Ceremonies

One last little league shout out for the season. We'd never been to a closing ceremonies before but it was great closure to the season. And truthfully, we would have likely not gone if Christian's coach hadn't insisted that he needed to be there. When we got there, we found out that Christian had been given the Sportsmanship Award for his team and he was one of only 7 that got it. Its much more impressive than the twinkie medal they got for the playoffs. So he was excited. We are proud of him for his hard work and he really did keep a good head on his shoulders for the most part...especially when it really looked like his team was the Bad News Bears. Hopefully this next year of baseball will a great learning and stretching experience for him...he may be a little humbled by what he is up against next. But that's good ;)

1 comment:

3WimmerBoys said...

Oh how we love that Christian! He did deserve an award for what he did for the Bad News Bears. Things turned out pretty well for us and it was a super fun season. I am soooo glad we were on the same team, it made it so much fun.
We miss you guys! Come back soon so we can spend some time together before we move. Don't worry, the house isn't going anywhere too soon!