I am not one that is very inclined to get into a debate about which candidates are going to fix our economic woes or answer why homes are foreclosing. But I do have VERY strong convictions on moral issues. It took Gavin sitting down and reading me the candidates standing on issues that matter most for me to have a clear choice who I HAD to vote for. Sometimes in politics, I find its the lesser of 2 evils. But, what a great experience to be a part of history and vote in a free country. And sometimes we win some and some times we lose some. My fears that this world has become TOO corrupt were mellowed a bit by the passing of the different props in AZ, FL and especially CA. Because of our military status, I am still a Californian resident and got to vote absentee there. Wow, what a sweet victory for good to see Prop 8 hold strong...especially despite some of the ugly things the opposition tried to pull. There are still enough level-headed people still in California. Now, after all of our crazy adventures are through, we can still move back to the Promised Land =)
My version of watching the debates is watching SNL rip on all of the candidates...funny as crap!
Yeah for props in FL, CA, and AZ! A huge sigh of relief! I agree, that it is often times deciding between the lesser of two evils. I'm just glad I don't have to see all the campaign commercials anymore!
Wow guys, we have made history!! I know it will only get harder for us to hold this wall of evil back. Since 1995 it has been less of a margin 60% then and now only 52% plus we had to spend a lot of money $28 million and the opposing side spent $46 mil. WE donated some money also because I have friends that I call family, the Pettite-Johnsons-(her grandmother wroteI am a Child of God and she is her granddaughter)and Elder Ballard asked us to help if we could possibly do that. It is the War in Heaven still continuing.
I'm so excited about prop 8 passing. It's really sad and a little scary to see all the protesters outside the Los Angeles Temple today. I saw on the news a little while ago that a fight broke out in front of the Temple gates tonight!
Our leaders never delve into any political decisions unless it deals with "important" matters and a Catholic Bishop said it best the other night on the "O'Reilly Factor" - (to paraphrase)So yes, maybe Obama seemed very appealing on certain economic topics & maybe several Americans felt like a change was very much needed, but we fail to remember the most important factors that should steer us away from him as a candidate, i.e., Pro-choice believer and same sax marriage promoter. And these are the same issues our leaders have taken a stance on. Since when should we compromise these most important issues, EVEN WHEN the economy is hurting. I have had several people, members and non-members alike, ask me why I was not excited about Obama being our President Elect and it's for these two VERY important issues alone...DON'T GET ME STARTED! I never realized how strongly I feel about political conversations. It must run in the genes:-) We could have made history just as we did but had someone like Michael Steele be our new President??!!
I'm not so sure CA will be the promised land much longer! Things are not looking good for prop 8, I doubt it will hold much longer. It's so sad to see people defile the Temple grounds and protest at our churches here.
It's amazing to see how the gay rights activists are lashing out against the church. As if the church single handedly passed prop 8. It's so important to understand the issues and vote accordingly- I agree!
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