Aug 31, 2008

The Transformation: Curious George to Tazmanian DEVIL

Shane has become the epitome of a smarter and yet more naughty 2 year old. As he nears 3 years of age...still several months away...he follows the same pattern Christian did. Learning lots of cute, fun things....but also learning how to push our buttons and do those things he has clearly learned to be pure NAUGHTINESS!!

Things that have changed:

- Church- especially Sacrament Meeting- he has discovered the power of a shout in an otherwise quiet arena. He consistantly ends up outside in the naughty spot

-Our childproofed home- he is finding little ways to create a dangerous/harmful atmosphere...pulling up chairs, pushing name it

-Stores- although parts of this has improved...he has also discovered running away from Mom. Christian never pulled this one on me. Shane, on the other hand, laughs and screams as he taunts his naughtiness.

I could continue the list...but I think I have vented enough. Honestly, he is not without his cutest moments as well. I think its a catch 22 at this point of his learning. In between the naughty, He redeems himself by singing at the top of his lungs, he counts to 20, he proclaims his love, he pulls out the "shake my booty",still sucks his 2 fingers.

I am just taking this stage in because I know I will be sad when it I was when Christian did. I think thats life....loving and hating the stages your children go through...all the while loving them to death!!


Debbie said...

You're such a good mom, Nans. Oh how I wish I had a little bit more of your patience and perspective. :) You're awesome.

Lamont and Melissa Larsen said...

Oh how I understand! McKay is learning so quickly; however, I am trying to overcome the battle of temper tantrums!

Jake & Rachel said...

Boy, do I sympathize with you! Eli is hitting the terrible 2's. I hope it doesn't go on till he's 3! I guess I could use a little bit of your outlook as well, someday I will miss these days! It's hard to imagine Shane being such a trouble maker though!

Tynel Jarnagin said...

He is such a cutie! I'm glad to hear that Shane is a normal 2 almost 3 year old- he looks WAY to innocent! Thanks for all your help tonight at YW! It's nice to have another adult for 'Crowd Control'!

-Ang said...

I hear ya babe. Two is definitely not my favorite age, but I'm just starting to catch glimpes of the light at the end of the tunel with Micaela.

Ch said...

Remember there will be better days if you work on the problems now.

Mom Staley