May 18, 2009

Excuse #359

Reason for not posting: I keep forgetting my camera at all the family things we keep doing. Lame, I know. Maybe I need a smaller/more compact camera that I can keep in a pocket in my purse evermore. Because really...does anyone want a post without pics...rarely! (except maybe my friend Jen that has one of the funniest blogs I have ever read!!)


Jen I said...

Dude, seriously. Don't we know what that baby is yet??? I swear I'm all anxious about it! Maybe it will give me hope that there are still girls up there...?? I see you have a counter on here. I guess that will help me hold my horses a little.

Sarah said...

Excuses, Excuses! I need to see what's up with you guys! When you get back to California, i am going to slap you back into blogging shape-don't worry...=D
See you guys soon! Luv Ya!

Debbie said...

I am in the same boat. I need a smaller camera I can keep with me at all times. I don't like lugging around a camera bag in addition to the bazillion other things I have to lug around. ;)