Mar 4, 2009

My Economy soapbox...

Every time I turn on the television or read on the msn homepage how awful the economy is getting, I worry a bit. This is the first really bad recession I've seen in my adult life. It has quite a bigger impact when you are the adults responsible for the sustaining of a family's lives and livelihood. We are incredibly blessed to have a solid job, income and promise of a future stability. But...there are so many variables that we just don't have any control over. Its quite daunting to see things crumble around us.
But as I was thinking about the economy the other morning, I was here in Corpus with such a bad economic crisis we can still "afford" to provide free breakfast for every school-aged student in Corpus School district. It just doesn't make sense to me. When we can't afford to put any Arts in the schools, but we can make sure every kid gets a bowl of cocoa krispies?
My other struggle is....why is it that people who have made poor financial decisions are being "rewarded" in a sense...or at the very least, bailed out. While those of us that played it more safe are taking our lickings and losses and work hard at getting our selves out legitimately. For instance, I sit selling my house....not foreclosing or short selling....I want to pay off my entire loan amount. The amount I agreed to borrow and repay. I want to settle my obligations. And I may lose a little money in the process....but that is part of being on the down side of an economy...and of being responsible. Yet, people that don't want to hassle or don't want to sacrifice their money to pay off a debt...just chose to throw the home back at the bank or short change them. I guess I am not understanding where our own responsibility and accountability comes in to play.
Soap box down.


Joy said...


sue said...

Well said, very well said.

Anonymous said...

If only EVERYONE could see the big picture right? It is definitely becoming a socialistic society AND survival of the fittest??!! I HATE IT!!!!

Ch said...

We hear this in our real estate regularly. It is very frustrating.

Love you,

I am so excited your home is in excrow.
Very awesome

The Bright Family said...

Have I sent you an invite to be part of my political blog?! :) I will.

tatum said...

i wouldn't say we're doomed to socialism, but i def don't agree with the bailout of people who have made bad decisions. although, i'm very curious to see how Obama is going to separate the good from the bad, like who's really going to admit they made an irresponsible decision? and then there's going to be an excuse for everything, i'm sure. all i know is sam and i do not have a house that is walking distance to the beach, so i will have to live with that. at least i have peace of mind.

Dave and Loralee said...

haha, I was just talking to ann-marie about this the other day and we were getting PASSIONATE. She made a good point. The democratic party is all about "rights" and making things "fair" for everyone, but isn't taking into account RESPONSIBILITY. And that's what the Republican party stands for-making sure that people are responsible and not just getting things b/c it's their "right." If you notice, the democratic party is all for public schools, gov't health, welfare, etc. Which, yes there is a need for, in very specific circumstances. HOWEVER, they aren't holding anyone responsible for the things they are given. Living here in Cleveland has made me SO AWARE of the rut people get into with welfare. And they are never held accountable! k, I'll get off of my soapbox now too :)

AnnCP said...

Hotbox topic!