Oct 23, 2007


Like most normal people, I am pretty fiercely afraid of spiders. And I also know that there are spiders everywhere, even when we don't know it. During our short life here in Texas, we have seen some
S-P-I-D-E-R-S...they come large and in-charge, Texas-style.

Today while Gav was out mowing our monstrous backyard, he was going to get the small patch behind our utility shelter and found the long-legged black one...I don't know what species that is but I am convinced that thing is (or should I say...WAS) poisonous. We have no humane treatments for spiders or bugs here in our house. I apologize to those that might offend!

The other more furry brown spider I luckily found already deceased and partly shrivelled...but in my garage. There is something to be said about cleaning out your garage on a routine basis.

I know I shouldn't post these pics for my sister Denise's sake. We have a common memory of a particular night when we were 5-6 years old. Where she awoke screaming Blood curdling screams...all to find a spider in her bed that had just had a tasty snack on her back. She has since been terrified...and I also...although I have to say I can still function when I know spiders are inevitable. She, on the other hand, is quite traumatized by the incident. So, De, I'm sorry...these were just too cool to pass up!!

Makes you wonder what's in your backyard, huh?!!!


lacey said...

Are you trying to discourage me from moving to Texas? :)

I like that your blog background is all black now. I can tell you are full of tricks...

I noticed you went to the aquarium too this past weekend. I too thought, not Sea World, BUT it was still good.

Hope all your family is doing okay in souther cali- I keep the news on to keep up on it all. I wish and hope it will rain there soon!

The Badger family said...

Ok those things are ginormous!!!! I wouldn't be able to to function either if I found those things in my yard. How do you guys like Texas? Are things going well there besides of course the huge spiders lurking around.

Anonymous said...

Funny story..Chad saw the pictures and said "What the heck? That thing isn't a spider - that's an ANIMAL!!!!" AND....he thought you were kidding, trying to post "fake" pics of creatures staged in your yard until I SWORE that I was talking to you on the phone when you found it. Funny that it comes right after telling you that I couldn't sleep after the scorpion story. Hmmmm...maybe I'm NOT coming to visit and stay w/ you in TX??!!!

Gavin and Shawna said...

The good news....the spiders are outside and mind their business...I hate to tell you guys, but I am sure you have similar beasts in your area too, maybe slightly different species...my AZ friends you got lethal scorpions!!!and snakes gallore. If there's anything I fear more than spiders, its snakes!!
Coming from So CAl, its pretty cool to see the different creatures in the different regions we live in.

Dave and Loralee said...

AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! THOSE ARE FREAKY!!!! We definitely don't have those species here...I'd totally be flipping out if I saw that in my yard. I still remember being at a family get together at your house in o-side and there was that pile of wood in the backyard and we found a black widow there. We were playing red rover...for some reason that's a totally vivid memory!

AJ said...

Ugh. Those pictures kind of make my skin crawl, and I wouldn't say I am super afraid of them. I just really don't like them in my space. I haven't really ever lived anywhere where there are crazy big ones, and that is probably a really good thing.